Setting up Telegram Notifications

Setting up Telegram Notifications for Your USDJPY Breakout RSI cTrader Bot

This guide will walk you through the steps to receive real-time notifications from your cTrader bot directly to your Telegram account.


  • A Telegram account (available on desktop and mobile)
  • Your USDJPY Breakout RSI cTrader Bot installed and running
  • A stable internet connection

Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot

  1. Open Telegram: Launch the Telegram application on your device.
  2. Search for BotFather: In the Telegram search bar, type "@BotFather" and select the verified BotFather account (it will have a blue checkmark).
  3. Start a New Bot:
    • Type "/start" in the BotFather chat and send the message.
    • BotFather will provide a list of commands.
    • Type "/newbot" and send the message.
    • BotFather will ask you to choose a name for your bot. Enter a descriptive name (e.g., "TradeAlertBot").
    • Next, BotFather will ask you to choose a username for your bot. The username must end with "bot" (e.g., "TradeAlerts_bot").
  4. Receive the API Token:
    • BotFather will provide you with an API token (a long string of characters). Copy this token and keep it safe. You will need it later.

Step 2: Obtain Your Telegram Chat ID

  1. Search for "@userinfobot" in the telegram search bar, and begin a chat with that bot.
  2. Start a Chat: Press the Start button, at the bottom of the telegram app.
  3. Receive your chat ID: The bot will then provide you with your chat ID. Copy this number down, you will need it later.

Step 3: Configure Your cTrader Bot

  1. Open cTrader: Launch the cTrader platform and open the settings for your USDJPY Breakout RSI Bot.
  2. Locate Telegram Settings: Find the sections related to Telegram notifications within the bot's settings.
  3. Enter the API Token: Paste the API token you copied from BotFather into the appropriate field.
  4. Enter the Chat ID: Paste your user chat ID into the appropriate field.
  5. Enable Notifications: Enable the Telegram notification feature within the bot's settings.
  6. Test the Connection: If your bots settings have a test function, use it to check that the information has been entered correctly.

Step 4: Receive Notifications

  1. Start Trading: Ensure your bot is running and executing trades.
  2. Monitor Telegram: You should now receive real-time notifications from your bot in your Telegram chat.

Important Notes:

  • Security: Keep your API token and Chat ID confidential. Do not share them with anyone.
  • Telegram bot updates: From time to time, Telegram updates its bot infrastructure, so be aware that this can cause the system to stop working.